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HYDROCOASTAL First Test Data Set

The HYDROCOASTAL First Test Data Set was produced to evaluate different processing algorithms over the coastal zone and inland waters. The data set covers 18 regions of interest (see the figure below), and includes 2 years data (2018-2019,) 3 years for regions with river discharge estimates.

ROI picture

The Level 2 products that are available were generated from Sentinel 3A, Sentinel 3B, and Cryosat-2 SAR altimeter data, and Cryosat-2 SARin altimeter data, with six different processing algorithms:

  • Two Step Analytical Processor (coastal and inland) isardSAT
  • Specialised SARin (coastal) Aresys
  • MWaPP (Multiple Waveform Persistent Peak (inland) DTU Space
  • Statistical Re-tracker STARS type (coastal) U Bonn
  • ALES+ for SAR (coastal) TU Munich
  • ICC-ER Isolate, Cleanse, Classify - Empirical Retracker  (inland) ATK

These algorithms are described in the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document.  

The data products contain outputs from all the processing schemes (re-trackers) except ICC-ER, which has not yet been fully implemented and validated. The outputs from the different re-trackers are merged into a single product, which is available with (individual product size ~10-100 MB) and without the waveform stack information (individual product size ~300-900 KB).

Merged Product

Wet and Dry Troposphere corrections for all products have been generated by U Porto, using the GPD+ scheme (Sensing of Environment 252 (2021) 112149, https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0034-4257(20)30522-8), and have been integrated in the products.

Level 3 products for nine inland water regions (Amazon, Amur, Danube, Mississippi, Ob, Po, Rhine, Yangtse, Zambezi) have been generated by DTU Space. These comprise time series data sets derived from the Sentinel-3 L2 data. The processing scheme is described in the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document. 

The format and content of the L2 and L3 products is described in the Product Specification Document.

The HYDROCOASTAL Level 2  and L3 First Test Data Set is available for research purposes, please contact info@satoc.eu for details

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