
Wavemill Product Assessment:

The WaPA Project


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WaPA Presentations and Papers

In this section we will provide a list of all the scientific papers and conference presentations which include results from the WaPA project.

Publication / Meeting
Wavemill Product Assessment – Defining potential products from a novel spaceborne interferometric SAR
Gommenginger C., J. Marquez, G Burbidge, Y. Qulfen, D. Cotton and C. Buck
...Determining Ocean Surface Currents from Space, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 6-8 May 2013
Wavemill Product Assessment - Defining Potential Products from a Novel Spaceborne Interferometric SAR
Marquez, J., C. Gommenginger, G Burbidge, Y. Quilfen, D. Cotton, and C. Buck EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2013 (abstract)
Wavemill Product Assessment - Defining Potential Products from a Novel Spaceborne Interferometric SAR
Cotton, D., J. Marquez, C. Gommenginger, G Burbidge, Y. Quilfen, C. Buck
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 September 2013 (abstract)
Wavemill: A new concept for high-resolution mapping of total ocean surface current vectors
Gommenginger C., J. Marquez, G Burbidge, Y. Qulfen, D. Cotton and C. Buck
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 September 2013
Wavemill: A new concept for high-resolution mapping of total ocean surface current vectors
Gommenginger C., J. Marquez, G Burbidge, Y. Qulfen, D. Cotton and C. Buck.
10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2014, Berlin, Germany, 3-5 June 2014 (paper)
Dual Beam Along-Track Interferometic Sar To Map Total Ocean Surface Current Vectors With The Airborne Wavemill Proof-Of-Concept Instrument: Impact Of Wind-Waves,
Martin, A., C. Gommenginger, B. Chparon, J. Marquez, S.Doody, D. Cotton and C. Buck.
IGARSS, Milan, 26-31 July 2015 (abstract)

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